Publications 2021

Conference Contributions

For the IML, as probably for the colleagues at the university in general, 2021 was a year consolidating into the new normal.

Main Highlights
The most important highlights that occupied us in 2021.

Good teaching and research go hand in hand
Educational research provides important building blocks to promote excellence in education. With two new 4 year SNSF projects, we are able to incorporate current themes in teaching and approach them with the necessary care and resources.

Children as simulated patients in practical exams
Use of primary school children as simulated patients as part of a practical exam (OSCE) meets international criteria for good examinations.

Good communication between all stakeholders in the healthcare system can be learned.

10 years of clinical skills exams with Examic EOSCE
As a pioneer in the field of electronic OSCE assessments on tablet computers, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) started supporting clinical examinations with its own software Examic EOSCE 10 years ago.

Usability and User Experience
Two Challenging Disciplines as Drivers of Software Development