Examic Valuatic is a new software system that will replace Examic EOSCE. Valuatic is being developed with all the experience and feedback in mind that we collected over the last 10 years from our partners and in close cooperation with the assessment practitioners that run OSCEs.
There are 2 Valuatic applications: Valuatic Studio, a Windows application which allows you to create, distribute and observe exams as well as collect and export results. And Valuatic Touch, an iOS application with which examiners assess candidates.
Valuatic has some powerful features, such as a wide range of item types within the checklists, the possibility to run random, not predefined schedules, scan QR codes to select checklists, students and examiners, remote data distribution to the iPads without even touching a tablet, customisable PDF reports and different server types to store the data.
Ordering customer
Medical Faculty University of Bern
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Institute for Medical Education
Target group
Everyone that administers or runs clinical or oral examinations, or evaluates the performance of people, products or processes (OSCE exams, evaluations, surveys, product evaluations, vocational training, quality controls, checklists, etc.)
IML: Hansmartin Geiser, Jonathan Duss, Florian Goll, Stephan Schallenberger, Florian Neubauer, Philippe Zimmermann
Version 1.0 was released 12-2021